Sunday, March 25, 2018


This is the last post for this month. My favorite month of the year is almost over. I baked Mango Macarons +Mango Tarts, S'mores Donuts, my Ombre Birthday Cake and finally I end this month's bakes with Cruffins. I think they are the coolest fusion baked good out right now, Croissant + Muffin = Cruffin. I really wanted to bake some croissants this month but didn't want to deal with waiting three days to laminate the dough. I searched the internet tirelessly for some info on how to bake these and I really didn't find a lot, especially not in english. I just winged it and used my croissant recipe and some trial and error and I produced something that was beautiful and delicious. I also had some lemon curd leftover from the cake last week so I stuffed a couple with that.

Cruffin filled with Lemon Curd

Cruffin recipe

Dough recipe

  • 500 g unbleached all-purpose flour + (extra for dusting)
  • 140 g water
  • 140 g whole milk (you can take it straight from the fridge)
  • 55 g sugar
  • 40 g soft unsalted butter
  • 11 g instant yeast (if you buy those little packets it's exactly two) 
  • 12 g salt
Butter layer
  • 12oz of european butter
  • powdered sugar
  • cinnamon sugar
  • jams of choice

Combine the dough ingredients and knead for 3 minutes, if you are using a stand mixer, attach your dough hook and mix at low to medium speed, until the dough comes together and you’ve reached the stage of low to moderate gluten development. ****you don't want to over mix this like a loaf of bread, when the sides of the bowl are clean stop after 3 minutes***

Lightly oil bowl and place ball of dough in bowl and cover with towel to rise for and hour

Don't judge me for still using Christmas towels

Tip dough on to a floured surface

That Dough Though

 Cut dough into 6 equal pieces

Working with one piece of dough at a time  roll at as thin as possible

Roll it so thin

Spread softened butter all over thinned dough

It's easier to spread this with your hand, even though it's super messy

starting from one end of the dough roll up tightly

With a sharp knife slice each roll in half lengthwise

Look at those layers

Butter some jumbo muffin tins

Butter those pans you don't want your cruffins stuck

Roll each roll with the cut side out like a rosette and place in the center of each muffin tin

 Cover each tin with plastic and let rise for one hour until doubled in size

place in 400F for 20-25 minutes.

Whisk together some sugar + cinnamon and toss freshly baked cruffins in the sugar mixture.

Cinnamon + Sugar

Cinnamon + Sugar Cruffins

These are so cute

This is where I placed some lemon curd in a pipping bag  and filled some cruffins and sprinkled some powdered sugar on top.

Filled with Lemon Curd

Powdered Sugar completes the look

Ok I think these look wonderful and taste delicious

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