Monday, April 9, 2018

Blackberry Cream Cheese Hand Pie

Ok so it's April, a new month and a new series of bakes. I decided to go with a berry theme for this month. I really was confused with what to bake and went with some hand pies. I made some hand pies before and people really liked them in person and on the blog so I went with a Blackberry Cream Cheese Hand Pie. I always forget about buying turbinado sugar so I had to use some gold large sugar crystals.

Blackberry Cream Cheese Hand Pie
Blackberry Cream Cheese Hand Pie

Honestly these were really yummy just not as beautiful, but most hand pies aren't.

here's what you will need

Hand pie crust

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 stick of cold butter cut into small pieces
  • 6-8 tablespoons of ice cold water
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper

Blackberry Filling

  • 8oz of blackberries
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • pinch of salt
  • 5 oz butter
  • 1/4 cup water

Cream Cheese Filling

  • 8oz softened cream cheese
  • 1/4 -1/2 cup powdered sugar

First start with the dough

Take your 2 cups of flour, pepper, and cinnamon. Using two forks cut the butter into the flour until the mixture has a sandy texture.

Add your 6 tablespoons of your cold water and mix until your dough forms into a ball

Chill in the fridge for about 2 hours

Time for the filling

In a sauce pan add in blackberries, sugar, honey, water, and butter.

cook on medium/high until filling starts to boil and gel

I didn't want the seeds so I strained this through a sieve. ( if you like seeds you can skip this step)

I'm not a fan of seeds

For the cream cheese filling just take softened cheese and powdered sugar and whisk until combined.

I cut this dough in half  and rolled out each half. I then used a 3 inch cookie cutter and cut out circles. (you may have to take the scraps from the circles and re roll them out.)

Make sure you have a top to each bottom.

I like to stack them to make sure I have enough circles

Place some of the cream cheese filling in the center of each pie dough

Add the blackberry filling on top of that

Crimp the edges with a fork and then brush each top with the beaten egg. Add sugar crystals to the top of each hand pie.

This is always the messiest part for some reason 

Brush on a little egg so they can brown up nicely

Bake on 400F for 20 minutes.  Once baked place on cooling rack to cool completely.

I hate when filling comes out of the slits

I made some rectangle ones

look at the filling that came all the way to the corner

so flaky and crumbly


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