Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Mango Macaron + Mango Tart

We are now in one of my favorite months of the year. I love March so much and it is my birthday month. I decided that the theme would be Jasmine's Choice. So I can literally bake anything that I wanted this month. I decided to go for something with Mango for the first week. I wanted to bake up some Mango Macarons because I haven't baked macarons in a while. As for the tart, I needed to use up the Mango Curd that I had leftover from the macarons. So I think both came out lovely. I sprinkled the macaron shells with some toasted coconut and some with a chile lime seasoning salt. On the tart I added a little lime zest and toasted meringue. 

Mango Chile Macaron
Mango Tart with Mango chile Macaron

Here's what you will need

Mango Curd
  • 1 cup of Mango Puree (just blend chopped mangos)
  • 3 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice (1 large lemon or 2 small lemons)
  • 4 large egg yolks (keep the egg whites for macarons)
  • pinch of salt
  • 4 teaspoons of corn starch
  • 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
  • 5 tablespoons cold unsalted butter (cut into small pieces)

First I peeled, chopped, and blended one alphonso mango and two little honey mangos until smooth.

this smells wonderful

Next in a sauce pot add one cup of mango puree, 4 egg yolks, sugar, cornstarch, lemon juice and a pinch of salt and whisk together.

 Cook over medium heat, whisk the whole time until mixture becomes thick. ( takes anywhere from 5-7 minutes)

Run you mixture through  a sieve to remove any cooked egg or thick pieces.

whisk in butter one piece at at time.

Place plastic over finished mango curd and set in fridge until ready to use. ( I always make my curd a day in advance)

Toasted Coconut topping

  • 1/3 cup shredded coconut

Just place your shredded coconut in a small pan and swirl it in a pan over medium heat ( always watching your coconut because it is super easy to burn)

Toasted Coconut Buttercream

  • 1/2 cup room temperature butter (1 stick)
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon coconut extract
  • 1/4 cup toasted coconut

For your buttercream take your room temperature butter and blend it until pale and fluffy (about 5 minutes) on medium/high speed

Add in your powdered sugar on low speed until incorporated

Lastly add in coconut extract and toasted coconut. I then transfer this mixture to a pipping bag.

Macaron Shells

  • 65g almond flour/meal
  • 65g powdered sugar
  • 50g egg whites (from two eggs) 
  • pinch of cream of tartar
  • 42g granulated sugar
  • toasted coconut for tops
  • chile lime for tops
  • gel food color (I used 1 drop copper, 1 drop peach)

First sift almond flour and powdered sugar together through a sieve. Then whisk together and set aside.

Whisk your egg whites and pinch of cream of tartar on low speed until foamy (about 2 mins)

Add in your granulated sugar and whisk on medium/high speed until soft peaks form  (whisk for 3 mins)

While egg whites are in soft peak stage here is a good chance to add in your gel coloring

Turn your mixer on high and whip egg whites on high speed until stiff peaks are reached.

Now add in all of your almond meal+ powdered sugar and fold mixture until you reach a lava consistency ( be extra careful not to over mix or under mix)

Place your macaron batter in a pipping bag with a round pastry tip attached. On a parchment or silicon lined baking tray  pipe 1.5 inch circles. Gently tap tray on counter to release any air bubbles that are trapped. 

Preheat oven to 325F.

Place any sprinkles or topping over the top of each macaron. 

Allow macarons to sit on counter to develop a skin over them (you will know they are ready to go in the oven if they are dry to the touch)

Bake in 325F oven for 12-15 minutes.

about to go in the oven

Remove baked macarons from oven and let sit on the pan for a minute and then set macarons on the counter to cool ( I leave them on the silicon mat on the counter to cool completely before transferring to a wire rack)

Pair up each macaron with a top and bottom or matching sizes

ready for fillings

Pipe a ring of toasted coconut butter cream around one macaron shell

Fill the interior of each circle with some mango curd. Then place a top on each. Place in the refrigerator for at least one day. Bring to room temperature to enjoy.

They kind of remind me of an egg

mango coconut macaron
I really love how these macarons look and taste

mango chile macarons
close up of the mango chile macarons + one toasted coconut with just mango curd filling

For the tarts, I made a simple graham cracker crust and placed the leftover mango curd inside.

I've made mango tarts before, If you want detail pictures and instructions click here.

look how tropical these tarts look

close up of all that lime zest.

I was kind of bored the other day and decided to use up all of the leftover mango things that I had in the fridge. that's how this dessert was created. Also I bought this really cute Vera Wang +Wedgewood plate. I just liked it's simplicity and look.

Mango dessert
mango chili sorbet, mango puree, mango tart, mango chile macaron

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