Thursday, April 19, 2018

Blueberry Glazed Doughnuts

So it's the second berry post for this month. I decided to go with the humble blueberry. I haven't always been a fan of blueberries. I remember as a kid my mom would tell me and Jermey that blueberry pop tarts were grape flavored. I didn't eat blueberry anything until my junior year of college. I was really missing out. I have grown to be a blueberry fan and I wanted to bake something with blueberry. Looking back on some of the blog posts I find myself baking a doughnut once a month. I normally bake cake doughnuts and decided to test myself by frying a yeast doughnut. I went with making a blueberry glazed yeast doughnut. I also made geode macarons with a blueberry buttercream filling. I won't be uploading the recipe for the macarons because I didn't plan on doing that and I didn't take many pictures, but I will post some finished pictures. Back to the doughnuts, they were amazingly light, and I love the way blueberries produced the most beautiful shade of purple. I did get help making these because I hate frying things, so Nisha helped a ton. Look at these doughnuts.

Blueberry Doughnut
Blueberry Glazed Doughnut with Almonds

Here's what you are going to need

Yeast Doughnut

  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 4 Tbsp sugar
  • 3 Tbsp butter (softened)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup milk 
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tsp Active Dry Yeast
  • 1/2 cup Tangzhong (1/3 cup flour + 1 Cup water) Cooked to make a paste
  • Oil to fry

Blueberry Glaze

  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 6-8 tablespoons of blueberry juice


First to make the Tangzhong

Take 1/3 cup of flour +1 cup of water and place in a small sauce pan and whisk together. Whisking for about 2 minutes over medium heat.

Remove from heat when you start to see swirl lines from your whisk. Set this aside to completely cool

In a large bowl add your flour, yeast, egg, milk, sugar, salt, butter and tanzhong and mix together with your dough hook for about 15 minutes until you make a smooth ball.

look at how smooth that dough is.

Slightly grease a bowl and place your dough ball inside. cover with a towel and let it rise for about 1 hour. The dough should double in size.

Remove dough and place on a lightly floured surface and roll dough out  to about a 1/2 inch thickness.

Roll the dough out

Use your 3 inch circle cutter and cut out your doughnuts

Place your cut out doughnuts and holes on parchment paper and cover with plastic to rise for 1 hour.

After the rise

Heat your oil to about 350F and fry your doughnuts till golden (use the dough scraps to test your oil and doneness)

Place your doughnuts on a cooling rack to cool completley

While your doughnuts cool it's time to make the blueberry glaze

Take your blueberries and place them in a saucepan with about an inch of water, cook them on medium heat until the berries become soft and mashable with a spoon.

It's hard to see but these are cooked blueberries

strain the berries with a sieve to only keep the juice.

Add a few tablespoons of juice to powdered sugar until you reach the consistency you want. If your glaze is too runny add more powdered sugar. If your glaze is to thick add more blueberry liquid.

Glaze each of your doughnuts and add toppings before the glaze sets.

The glazed doughnuts after toppings

I'm obsessed with almonds on doughnuts, I just like the way they look

I tried to play with the shapes

With the doughnut holes I just tossed them in powdered sugar and powdered raspberries

These doughnut wholes were so good

The glaze is so pretty

Crushed peanuts and coconut

This reminds me of Homer's favorite doughnut

Extra cool blueberryness

Here's the Geode Macarons with a blueberry buttercream

Geode Macarons
Pretty Geode Macarons

Geode Macarons + Coffee Macarons

The next berry bake will be strawberry something..........

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